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During the OKKI CRM training for Evergreen Chemicals
 Aug 10, 2023|View:8

On the afternoon of August 10, 2023,Evergreen Chemicals was honored to welcome the city manager team from OKKI CRM. OKKI CRM is mainly aimed at overseas customers and sales management, providing one-stop assistance to enterprises in managing the entire lifecycle from leads to orders. After understanding that OKKI CRM can utilize big data and AI to actively market and manage customers, we decisively chose to launch OKKI CRM.

The city manager of OKKI CRM has conducted multiple surveys on our usage needs and responded promptly to our suggestions, solving problems quickly. This interview provided one-on-one training for our sales department, operations department, etc., which was particularly helpful for us to quickly land.

During the OKKI CRM training for Evergreen Chemicals

Alibaba and Xiaoman OKKICRM are a very strong combination of fists, and with this combination of fists, it will save many detours for foreign traders. Especially for newcomers, assistance and companionship are very important. Alibaba and Xiaoman OKKICRM can provide full chain tools, services, and training. We fully believe that our company can better serve our global customers with such strong help!

Through detailed sorting and explanation, the city manager of OKKI CRM has put forward the following 8 suggestions for our current work:

1. One stop customer acquisition - fill in customized content;

2. Transaction dynamics - Fill in detailed content and display customer data with recent customs data transactions;

3. Customer group management - one click extraction of relevant labeled customers for group marketing of different types of customers (one should also have customer classification ideas);

4. Follow up record filling - Fill in customer information as detailed as possible, so that colleagues and themselves can quickly understand the customer's situation when following up;

5. Customer label setting - branch label (customer label set for main account) and personal label (visible to oneself);

6. Reorganize the reasons for the loss of business opportunities, and select the source of the business opportunity when creating a new business opportunity;

7. Workflow settings - automatic rotating allocation of leads, automatic activation of open sea customers, etc. Those repetitive mechanical tasks can be handed over to the system.

8. Task settings - Follow up with customers who have not been closed for a long time at least once every 15 days, etc., to remind the system of daily work.

Through this close training, we further experience the process of enterprises utilizing the OKKI CRM system to coordinate sales, marketing, and service interactions between enterprises and customers, thereby improving their management methods and providing customers with innovative and personalized customer interactions and services. By visualizing the business process of the enterprise, it is easy to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the entire business process, improve the speed of team feedback, and enhance enterprise productivity.

Digitalization is a marathon, and operation is the best starting point but far from the end! We need to be familiar with the operational logic of these digital tools, analyze and mine more, in order to better achieve the effectiveness of their use. They may not necessarily solve all our problems, but they can solve pain points and move faster towards the ultimate goal. I hope that with the follow-up training and our proficiency in using the OKKI CRM system, we can quickly replicate excellent sales methods and build a sales force!

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