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Overview of epoxy resin market in July 2023
 Aug 30, 2023|View:6

In July, the cost support of epoxy resin was strong, especially bisphenol A, driven by the rise in phenolic ketone prices and tight spot supply, the price exceeded 10000 yuan and continued to rise significantly. The price of epoxy resin continues to rise with the increase of raw materials, and during the upward period of the market, the market trading volume has increased, but most of them are low-priced orders. The downstream buying of epoxy trees is relatively cautious in pursuing high prices, and there is a shortage of high priced orders. Currently, epoxy resin is in a double whammy of high upstream costs, but downstream acceptance of high priced raw materials is not high.

Overview of epoxy resin market in July

Raw material situation: ① BPA: In the early days, the operating rate of the bisphenol A factory was low, and the spot supply was tight. The market's buying and selling mentality was gradually rising, and the price of bisphenol A returned to over ten thousand yuan; In the second half of the year, the prices of original phenolic ketones significantly increased, with strong support for bisphenol A costs. Factory offers continued to rise, while downstream epoxy resins and PCs continued to rise, further enhancing the market atmosphere ECH: At the beginning of the month, the market sentiment of ECH was relatively sluggish, with the center slightly weakening; With the shutdown and maintenance of Haixing and the technological transformation of Xinyue, the load of several mainstream factories in Shandong has decreased, and the supply in the ECH market has decreased. The factories have no shipping pressure, and prices have started to rise; In the latter half of the month, the price of bisphenol A significantly increased, and the market atmosphere gradually rose. The enthusiasm of epoxy resin for raw material procurement increased, and manufacturers' quotations continued to rise.

Device situation: Dongying Hebang resumed normal operation, Fujian Huanyang briefly resumed operation within the month and then stopped again. Changchun Panyu only has one open line, and the operating rates of Guodu and Zhejiang Haobang are relatively low; The solid resin factory in Shexian County was shut down due to safety inspections, with an overall operating rate of around 60% for liquid resin and around 40% for solid resin.

Downstream situation: July is in the traditional off-season of the epoxy resin industry, especially for downstream products related to real estate; In July, the demand for wind power was also relatively sluggish, and the prices of polyether adhesive products that are matched with epoxy resin continued to decline.

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