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Zibo Zhengda Polyether Amine Project Completed
 Sep 06, 2023|View:9

On August 2nd, Zibo Zhengda New Material Technology Co., Ltd. released a completion environmental protection acceptance monitoring report for the 40000 ton/year terminal amino polyether (polyether amine) construction project. The acceptance production capacity is 40000 tons/year of end amino polyether (polyether amine), including 30000 tons/year of ZD-123 brand, 5000 tons/year of ZD-140, 2000 tons/year of ZT-123, 2000 tons/year of ZD-1200, and 1000 tons/year of ZT-1500.

Environmental Protection Acceptance of Zibo Zhengda Polyether Amine Project Completion

Amino terminated polyethers, also known as polyether amines, are a type of polymer with polyethers as the main chain structure and amine groups as functional groups at the end. Polyether amine has many excellent comprehensive properties such as low viscosity, long service life, high toughness, anti-aging, excellent waterproof performance, etc. It is mainly used as printing and dyeing auxiliaries, epoxy resin curing agent, polyurea elastomer additives and other fields.

From the perspective of global market competition, the industry barrier of polyether amine is high, and the market concentration is high. The main suppliers of polyether amine globally are BASF and Hensman. Chinese polyether amine production enterprises include Yangzhou Chenhua, Zibo Zhengda, Wuxi Akoli, Real Madrid Technology, Yueyang Changde, and other enterprises, with a total production capacity of nearly 100000 tons/year.

Wind turbine blades, seam sealants, oil and gas extraction additives, and surfactants are specific downstream application fields of polyether amines. From 2020 to 2021, they were mainly driven by the rush to install onshore and offshore wind power. In addition, the penetration rate of seam sealants in the home decoration market is rapidly increasing, and the demand for polyether amines is showing a rapid growth trend. The hot market and high profits have also prompted enterprises to accelerate their expansion speed. The polyether amine production capacity under construction includes 40000 tons from Wanhua Chemical and 40000 tons from Zibo Zhengda. Other enterprises also have plans, and the total planned polyether amine production capacity under construction exceeds 200000 tons/year.

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